Commercial Rekey

Florida Lock and Key offers our commercial rekey service 24 hours a day. Also, we are available for locksmith service for recent theft or employee fire. With a commercial rekey, our locksmiths can use your existing locks and change the tumblers to a completely new key. As a result, making your old key not work the lock. Then, as long as your existing locks are of the same make, they can be made to operate under one key. However, If they are of different brands, we can do a custom lock installation. This will assure that a single key will work your entire business. We also offer our professional first to fourth grade master keying systems, where all or groups of doors can have multiple keys operate them.
Either, call Florida Lock and Key today,(941)920-1622, for immediate response for our commercial rekey service regardless of day or time, or speak to a locksmith to schedule an appointment. You can count on Florida Lock and Key to be there in your time of need.
On most services dealing with residential and commercial locks, it is extremely helpful to know the type of key that fits the locks. Use the following as a reference.
If your key type isn’t shown above, there is usually a 2 to 4 segment code of numbers and letters. For example, the keyblanks above, from left to right, are KW1, SC1, and Y1. Depending on brand of key, these will vary, but any information is quite helpful to our locksmiths.
A lot of the times, the brand of the lock is imprinted on the latch. If this is the case, open the door and look at the metal plate surrounding the latch for the brand name or for mortise locks, they imprint will be on the lock itself. Reporting this to the locksmith over the phone can help prepare us for your service and will help to assure that we have all parts we require to complete your rekey. Also, having all keys that operate the locks will reduce the cost of the service. Any locks without keys will incur a charge to pick the lock.
Checklist for rekey service:
- Determine the amount of locks in your business. Pay close attention to locks that have keyways on both sides, because those count as two locks.
- Determine the brands of each lock within your business by either what type of key fits, or by reading the name on the lock or latch.
- If different brands of locks are installed throughout your business and you want one key to operate your entire office, determine which brand of lock has more installed. The lesser will usually be the ones replaced.
- Determine the amount of locks that do not have keys, and count those needing to be picked.
- Determine the number of key copies you require, and if they are to be “do not copy” type keys.
- If new locks are to be installed, determine the type, style, and color of the lock. -see Custom Lock Installation
- Determine if you want to upgrade your locks to make them resistant to picking and bump keys (see the FAQ).
Florida Lock and Key offers our commercial rekey service 24 hours a day. Also, we are available for locksmith service for recent theft or employee fire. With a commercial rekey, our locksmiths can use your existing locks and change the tumblers to a completely new key. As a result, making your old key not work the lock. Then, as long as your existing locks are of the same make, they can be made to operate under one key. However, If they are of different brands, we can do a custom lock installation. This will assure that a single key will work your entire business. We also offer our professional first to fourth grade master keying systems, where all or groups of doors can have multiple keys operate them.
Either, call Florida Lock and Key today,(941)920-1622, for immediate response for our commercial rekey service regardless of day or time, or speak to a locksmith to schedule an appointment. You can count on Florida Lock and Key to be there in your time of need.
On most services dealing with residential and commercial locks, it is extremely helpful to know the type of key that fits the locks. Use the following as a reference.
If your key type isn’t shown above, there is usually a 2 to 4 segment code of numbers and letters. For example, the keyblanks above, from left to right, are KW1, SC1, and Y1. Depending on brand of key, these will vary, but any information is quite helpful to our locksmiths.
A lot of the times, the brand of the lock is imprinted on the latch. If this is the case, open the door and look at the metal plate surrounding the latch for the brand name or for mortise locks, they imprint will be on the lock itself. Reporting this to the locksmith over the phone can help prepare us for your service and will help to assure that we have all parts we require to complete your rekey. Also, having all keys that operate the locks will reduce the cost of the service. Any locks without keys will incur a charge to pick the lock.
Checklist for rekey service:
- Determine the amount of locks in your business. Pay close attention to locks that have keyways on both sides, because those count as two locks.
- Determine the brands of each lock within your business by either what type of key fits, or by reading the name on the lock or latch.
- If different brands of locks are installed throughout your business and you want one key to operate your entire office, determine which brand of lock has more installed. The lesser will usually be the ones replaced.
- Determine the amount of locks that do not have keys, and count those needing to be picked.
- Determine the number of key copies you require, and if they are to be “do not copy” type keys.
- If new locks are to be installed, determine the type, style, and color of the lock. -see Custom Lock Installation
- Determine if you want to upgrade your locks to make them resistant to picking and bump keys (see the FAQ).